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Cameron muffin99 @ninjamuffin99

Age 25


Middle School Dropout

Toronto, Canada

Joined on 10/2/15

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about reading

Posted by ninjamuffin99 - 2 hours ago

This year I've grounded myself a bit more with my lifestyle and brain. One of my particular proud habits I've gotten into is that I've been very consistent with not just reading, but leaving my apartment in the morning, getting coffee, and heading to the library to read and work. I've gotten through a handful of books this year! I aim to read only about 20-30 mins per day, and I miss many days, but if I'm super sucked into a book I'll go past it and read as much as I want. It's very fulfilling to have a proper "good" habit. On days when I feel off, anxious, stressed, etc. if the next day I'm able to wake up, get tim hortons, and go to the library, I can ground myself back into a bit of normalcy.

I do recommend everyone to have a non-work/productivity related habit that requires you to leave your house. Specifically I think you need to live my life, and go to your local library more! YOU reading this! And I think you should read! The way I've been looking at it as I read more and more, I think it's like an entire medium that people miss out on. It's like if you're talking to a friend and they don't listen to albums, or even music at all. You would think they are a psychopath. Or if you had a friend that didn't watch TV shows. I don't think reading is some nerd emoji glasses dweeb activity, and I don't think it's *enriching* simply due to it being a book and growing up you've been told that reading makes you smart. I think you should read the same reason why I think people who don't play video games should play them, I think it's a medium that expresses itself in it's unique way, and you shouldn't be missing out on an entire medium if you want to be a creative person!

While reading itself isn't too novel (heh..) I think one thing that sticks in my mind about it is the *pacing* of the actual activity of reading. If your dopamine receptors in your brain has become fried from twitter, video games, or tiktok (instagram reels, youtube shorts, pick ur poison) I think sitting down and reading a book can be a bit frustrating. I've found myself to enjoy reading (or at least found it much less frustrating) once I lessened the thought in my mind that I should read a book front to back, in the least amount of time as possible. If my mind wandered and I had to re-read a page I would be annoyed at myself for getting distracted and be annoyed that I had to re-read something! Feels like my progress over the past few minutes were just lost because I got distracted! But I've become less resistant to re-reading pages or even entire chapters, and taking my time as needed with books, I'd say it's an intended mechanic of reading. You read at the speed of your brain and it needs to stay active to take in what you're reading. If you're used to being able to scroll away or alt-tab the millisecond that you get slightly bored of something online, I think reading is a good detox from functioning that way, like being your own science experiment about the effects of delayed gratification.

And I simply do not fw audio books! Shame on you!

Have a good weekend yall too crazy!



Not reading allat
Drop Week 8
Jk I love you cam i will read and become healthy as fuck

Amazingly put! I couldn't agree more :'')

I tried to understand what I was looking at but I can't read. Do you have a version of this webpage with pictures for those of us that lack the knowledge to properly decode hieroglyphics?

Edit: Please forgive my ignorance, I just remembered what this is from 6th grade history. It's called cuneiform, the ancient Sumerians invented it. I'm going to take a screenshot and send it to my old 6th grade history teacher, he was really into this kind of thing. I bet he'll know exactly what this glyph says. Yeah, I'll come back around after each symbol is translated. I'll keep you posted on my progress <3

Edit II: Nope, sorry. My old history teacher couldn't understand it either. He said it was probably a dead language from an old civilization of antiquity. Long forgotten, nobody alive understands what these markings mean anymore. They might have been a record kept of a grand hunt or an epic battle fought between two tribes. Whatever was transcribed here, the posteriority is lost to the sands of time D:

Edit III: I hit my head on the floor when I slipped in front of the fridge because I was making a sandwich. I now understand every word you wrote with brilliant eloquence. I am in total agreement that reading is a healthy outlet and that everyone should read a little more every day. Knowledge is power! The golden ratio flows through me! The secrets of the universe are unfolding in front of my very eyes!! I AM A CONDUIT OF SUPREME ENLIGHTENMENT D:<

Edit IV: I hit my head again. Can't read, forgot what I was doing. Please provide pictures.

Yessss thank you for articulating the benefits of reading in such a beautiful and non intimidating manner! There's like thousands of misconceptions regarding reading which can put off anyone for any kind of reason. But just like any medium, there is a whole world to explore surrounding that form of expression! Reading can be fun yo! (I don't care if I sound like a corny teacher cause it's just genuinely how I feel :P)

Reading out loud or under your breath as well is healthy for your brain from what I've heard.

I only read Friday Night Funkin Fanfics

It's been really long since I read a book for my own enjoyment. I only read boring fact books.

It's a nice habit to read books while on the train. (Even boring fact books.) Sometimes when I read however, like how a sticker won't stick to a surface sometimes, no matter how many times I re-read a sentence my brain refuses the information every time.

What are you reading now Mr. Muffin? I'm reading Crime and Punishment, I only just now got to it

you are the opposite of ur own fanbase hahaha, nice to hear you are a good example them (albeit some of the loud ones are on their whole new different insane world)

Absolutely! I always get sucked in while reading a book!
I'm currently reading through Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, it's really good!