Hey all you AIM people, this post is for YOUUU! The top three will message me which games they'd like, and once they pick and games sent out, the runner ups will recieve their games in the order of when they PM'd me (list below). When you PM me, for organization and getting the games sent out as effiecientlly as possible please rank your top three games when you message me :)
Here's a list of games:
Claimed by Ectisity Evoland 2
Stardew Valley
Claimed by Phonometrologist Super Meat Boy
Pony Island
Claimed by NahuPyrope DEADBOLT
Claimed by ChronoNomad Grim Fandango Remastered
BADLAND: Game of the Year Humble Deluxe
Claimed by Arbelamram Savage Lands (Early Access)
Mini Metro
Bit Blaster XL
Claimed by Spedezer Assault Android Cactus
Odallus: The Dark Call
Claimed by ConnorGrail Technobabylon
Claimed by PrimaLightMusic Refunct
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Claimed by Kalviter Nuclear Throne
Human Resource Machine
Rust (Early Access)
You Must Build A Boat
Shelter 2
Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Claimed by MactaMendax Arma 2 (with 4 DLC’s)
Runner Up PM order:
ChronoNomad (Chose Grim Fandango)
Ceevro (is donating his choice to Real Faction)
kalviter (chose Nuclear Throne)
primallightmusic (chose Refunct)
arbelamram (chose Savage lands)
ConnorGrail (chose TechnoBabylon)
Phonometrologist (Claimed Super Meat Boy)
NahuPyrope (claimed DEADBOLT)