What up New-Grounds People™ ? Today I'll talk about my latest game dev shenanigans.
So for the past little while I've been working on a game for Pico Day. It's a remake of AfroNinja's Newgrounds SIM, and I think I may have talked about it in the last post maybe. That's been coming along pretty well, but my schedule/milestones or whatever you want to call it has been pushed back by a week because of a school project I've been working on. Luckily though, it's a game! It's more of an informative game based on a famous artist. I've been sorting out the copyright stuff, and I think I WILL be able to post it onto Newgorunds! I'm finishing it up right now and it should be posted some time this week.
After I post the Pico Day game, at the end of the month or so, I'll take a break to work on some unfinished things like an animation, and I'll be editing a video for HIRO NO HIRO, a DBZ Super Abridged channel (Sub here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXBWeTAtTp6-phEnXEuBMw) . Hopefully though I'm not too busy to participate in the Construct game jam, because I've had an idea for a game and needed an excuse to make it :p
EDIT: A few things i forgot to mention too. Ludum Dare is coming up and I may make something, and also in May Adventure Jam 2017 is happening so look out for thooooosee....
i forgot that NG still have those jams.