Ayyy shoutout to the new monster icons, the alien hominid one is my fav
So things I'm working on:
Spooky Madness Game: A thing I started about a week before madness day, i've decided to do a bit more polish on it and post it as a spooky ROM hack/creepypasta type game for halloween.
You can play a demo HERE(only a minute of gameplay) http://www.newgrounds.com/projects/games/1019429/preview
Terrible Game With Terrible Writing: A stupid meme filled visual novel I started in january but slowly stopped working on it over the months. I've decided to start working on it again, and I'll try to do a little update every week or so.
You can play the thing AT GAMEJOLT: http://gamejolt.com/games/terrible-game-with-terrible-writing/117828
And a playlist of a few of the lets plays: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLouTiqE3S5_VkTzkHv5Zv_lcZH9i6Xwcw
Fifty Shades of Pizza: Originally a dialouge assignment for my English class, I'm turning it into a short visual novel, it'll probably be finished before Halloween as well. @Nightraid-NG is doing the voices so shoutouts to him.
Read the dialouge here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LksvQ-cMNfwU9WFsmOq2XvNqDOrKGbEhfaVu-IQQwyM/edit?usp=sharing
Fun fact I got 91% on that assignment and I had to read it to my whole class. I made them XD so much XDDDD becuz itz so ran0m XXDD
Recently I've been messing around with Unity and Blender, I actually like Blender and I kinda know what I'm doing now. I currently don't have plans to make a game anytime soon with Unity though. Also I've been working on a little SFM animation that I am about 20% complete. So keep your eyes out and open for that i guess.
Thanks lol