So heres some cool stuff:
This guys streams some improv piano playing and takes ANY requests. Cool dude.
Tvori, A cool VR thing where you create scenes and animations.
@FinnMK did a cover of John Newman's "Love Me Again" with his University. Its NICE.
Some news:
I've started working on Newgrounds Sim 2016, and that might not be the final name. It's a remake/ sequel to AfroNinja's Newgrounds SIM from like 2005. Sometimes I post screenshots to my twitter @ninja_muffin99. Right now it has no art, and I still need some sort of UI/artist person if anyone is interested. It's being made with HaxeFlixel god bless it's pretty cool.
i still have a few things I'm working on like some Pico-8 stuff and the platformer wit ma boy Dmazes5. I've started a few animations, but right now I'm in the middle of a script.
A while back I said I was gonna do something for Ludum Dare but I had to travel during that weekend so I wasn't able to.
And finally it's ma birthday on the 13th. So go have cake. Or go crazy and have ice cream.
Don't worry 'bout it. It's on me pal.