Canabalt, Classic
Through the second half of January, I’ve chipped away at doing a port of classic Flash game CANABALT into HTML5, via HaxeFlixel.
You can play the updated version here:
I’ve also been given permission to release the full source code alongside it, which you can find on my Github:
It has also been updated to work on mobile devices, so tell me if your Samsung Galaxy S3 can hit double digit FPS.
@adamatomic gave me the original Actionscript 3 source code, and I tried to be very faithful when porting, both for gameplay purposes, and also I think how code is written is also important. Canabalt was made with Flixel, the ancestor to HaxeFlixel, so the porting process was generally seamless, and the resulting code is actually very close to what Adam wrote nearly 15 years ago.
There are some cute things I got to indulge in as it being a side project to my day job (friday nite funking…), and along with that, I got to see something through until the end/release, which has been a muscle that hasn’t been exercised in a while. FNF is a project which at times can feel like seeing something through until the end is discouraged, where endless polish and making things perfect can feel like it supersedes the need to realistically set deadlines and release something. Of course FNF is a much more complicated project than this port was (I made most of it in a few days, over the weekend I was at MAGFEST!), but I think despite that it was still very refreshing to see something through from the first line of code, until it’s in the hands of the public, on my own terms! And no one even noticed when we missed our deadline (Pixel Day!) lol !
Enjoy getting highscores on the new Newgrounds API enabled leaderboards 🤤
It was very fun to work on this, and I'm very glad to have a hand in preserving not just flash game history... but VIDEO GAME HISTORY, and being able to put the code out there for the world to see!
Back to the funkin offices now!
(also you can support DannyB and buy the music on bandcamp! reddit today I learned!
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