I made my account exactly 4 years ago.
When there are people on this site with 5, 10, or 15+ years on the site who still are regulars, it might not seem like much. But it feels like a good chunk. Newgrounds has been a part of the later half of my teen years. About 20% of my life. In return, I've been apart of Newgrounds for 4 of its 24-ish years, about 16% of Newgrounds life. I like to hope I'm making a difference in the community. I like to hope that I inspire others to appreciate and love Newgrounds as much as I do. Maybe some people have joined Newgrounds because they saw me mention it on Twitter. Or maybe someone saw my dumbass game on OneyPlays that one time, and thought it was interesting and joined Newgrounds. Maybe they talk with me over Discord, and I convince them to post more frequently on the site. I can't take all the credit, Newgrounds of course is doing the heavy lifting by just being sweet. I'm just a guy singing it's many praises. I genuinely cannot see myself ditching Newgrounds. Even if I make the transition to making big commercial indie games or something like that, I always would like to think that I'll just say screw it to sensible business decisions and post full ass commercial indie games I make to NG, as well as Steam or whatever. I want to believe and have hope that Newgrounds isn't just the stage 1 of an artist's career. The place where they start out and then when they go on to be more famous and successful, they leave. And Newgrounds was just their humble beginnings. I'd like to believe Newgrounds can be the beginning, middle, and final destination. I use Newgrounds because I have hope in it. I genuinely do not see this as a dying site. I'm not just enjoying the ride while it lasts. The end simply isn't in sight for me. Maybe the site isn't what it used to be. Maybe it's not the edgy side of the internet, where EVERY cool ass kid in their school was playing gory flash games in their computer lab. But it's the site I want it to be, and as I browse through all the old submissions, forum posts, and blogs, I see that it has always been that way. A site of true limitless artistic expression, collaboration, and community. Everything, by everyone.
Yall gonna still catch me when I'm a millionaire game dev still shitposting in blogs and in forums.
Here’s to another 4 years!
we out here NG for life