hey everybody, this is my new news post
on my recent shenanigans
Still grindin away on this game wit PhantomArcade, might be doing some more public testing/testing with other people and stuff.
If you missed it for whatever reason, I made a game last month for Pixel Day, called OSO, which can be played on Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/705688
And as a little side project, I started work at the beginning of the month for a hentai game with EiGi (https://eigibeast.newgrounds.com/ ) , BrandyBuizel (https://brandybuizel.newgrounds.com/ ), and Digimin (https://twitter.com/deegeemin ). It's not gonna be anything too big since it's just been a side project for myself but keep an eye out for some good tiddies